Red Española de Microscopía Óptica Avanzada
Super Resolution/ Stochastic Optical Reconstruction microscopy (STORM)
Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM), as well as PALM or fPALM, is a super-resolution imaging technique that utilizes sequential activation and time-resolved localization of photoswitchable fluorophores to create high resolution images.  During imaging, only an optically resolvable subset of fluorophores is activated to a fluorescent state at any given moment, such that the position of each fluorophore can be determined with high precision by finding the centroid position of the single-molecule images. The fluorophore is subsequently deactivated, and another subset is activated and imaged. Iteration of this process allows numerous fluorophores to be localized and a super-resolution image to be constructed from the image data. STORM has been demonstrated with a variety of different probes and labeling strategies.
This technique at work
ICFO-Instituto de Ciencias Fotonicas, ICFO-Instituto de Ciencias Fotonicas - Servicio de Microscopia de Super-Resolucion y Nanoscopia- ICFO
Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicina y Biotechnología (BIONAND), Unidad de Nanoimagen - Advanced Optical Microscopy Service - Nanoimaging Unit
IMDEA Nanociencia, IMDEA Nanociencia - Laboratorio de AFM/Fluorescencia
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) - Microscopy and Dynamic Imaging Unit
Centre for Genomic Regulation, Parc de Recerca Biomèdica Barcelona - Advanced Light Microscopy Unit
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