Equipment description
Multipurpose system for epifluorescence, High Content Screening, TIRF, Long-term Live-cell Imaging.
Other info
TIRF with 488 and 561 lasers.
EMBL Incubation chamber for environmental control CO2 and Temperature in the whole chamber.
2 software mdoes: ScanR for screening and Xcellence for Live Imaging.
Objective lenses:
4x/ 0.13 UPlan FL N
10x/ 0.30 UPlan FL N
10x/ 0.30 CPlan FL N
20x/ 0.45 LUCPlanFL N
20x/ 0.45 LUCPlanFL N
40x/ 0.75 UPlan FL N
60x/1.20 water UPlan SAPo
100x/1.30 oil UPlanFL N
100x/1.45 oil PlanApo
150x/1.45 oil UApo